Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Road Unpaved

 About the Documentary: 
A Road Unpaved will focus on the life of people in Nicaragua who have physical disabilities. The documentary will explore the social atmosphere in Nicaragua and the public’s view toward people with physical disabilities. It also will look at what the government is or is not doing to help improve their quality of life. Finally, it will explore the link between life with a physical disability and the development of depression.

Our Goal:
We are embarking on a monumental task; we will be shooting our senior thesis film in Nicaragua. In October, we traveled to Nicaragua for the first of three times in effort of making this documentary. While in Nicaragua, we shot initial interviews and made many contacts for when we return to film more. We plan to travel back to Nicaragua in both January and March to continue the project. In the end, we hope to produce a documentary that will shed light on the lives of people living in Nicaragua with a physical disability.

How You Can Help:
Since we are college students, we are reaching out to those around us to ask for your help. International travel is not a small expense, especially on a college budget. Between the two of us, our goal is to raise a total of $2,500 to help fund our documentary.  If you can help out in any way we will be extremely grateful.  This is a life changing opportunity, not only for us, but also for the people impacted by the film. This is a project that we are both very passionate about. It is a dream of both of ours to do this kind of work; creating social change through the medium of film. To have the opportunity to do this while we are both still college students is something that we are very grateful for.

To donate please click the "Donate" button, at the top of the page, in which all proceeds will go directly toward making this documentary a reality.  
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at:
Taylor.Roberts@quinnipiac.edu or David.Fitzgerald@quinnipiac.edu

Please feel free to pass on this message to your friends and family!  

-Taylor and Dave

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