Thursday, April 14, 2011

Much Overdue Update

 First off, we are sorry for not sending out an update in so long. We have been extremely busy editing and it is a very stressful time in the semester.

Dave and I spent our spring break back down in Nicaragua for our 3rd and final trip working on “A Road Unpaved.” We had the bulk of our filming done in January so we only had a couple other interviews to get taken care of. Other than that we working on shooting more b-roll along with going on a wild goose chase trying to track down archival photographs that we could use. All in all it was a very successful trip and it was very hard to say goodbye and leave Nicaragua for the final time.

Since then we have been working hard on putting it all together. Last weekend, we worked on piecing together all of our sound bites and really assembling our story. This afternoon I spent three hours working with Margarita Diaz. We worked on checking the accuracy of our subtitles and separating the subtitles so that people will be able to easily read them. Tomorrow morning I am meeting with Erin Peck to continue where Margarita and I left off. This weekend we are going to spend our time putting in the music, b-roll, and beginning to mix the audio.

This is a very stressful time for us, but at the same time very exciting! We began talking about this project last May, now it is finally coming to life. Our rough edit is due in class Wednesday (April 20th) and then our final cut is due the Wednesday after (April 27th). So stay tuned for more info on our progress along with when our first screening is going to be!

-Take Care